Chevy offers Rebate on 2020 Corvette

January 11, 2020
January 11, 2020 Mike Davenport

Chevy offers Rebate on 2020 Corvette


The Supply and demand on the 2020 Chevrolet Corvette is through the roof. So manufacture rebates won’t happen. WELL, EXCEPT THIS LITTLE TRICK. By doing what I explain below there is a way you can save up to $1,500 on the purchase of your 2020 Corvette.

As I was looking up info for a customer I decided to look and see if the 2020 Corvette was on the GM Buypower car redemption list. IT IS!!!

Buy heading over to Gm BuyPower you can apply for the card and when you use your card you earn 5% on your first $5,000 and 2% on everything past that. Check out Their website for more info 

The Gm Buy power redemption earnings are considered a rebate and they are on the incentive management tool that all dealers pull when you buy a car. So make sure you tell your dealership at time of delivery so you get your savings.

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